Friday, April 20, 2018

I’m Moving Out Of A Rented Apartment, Should I Have A Move-Out Cleaning?

The following post I’m Moving Out Of A Rented Apartment, Should I Have A Move-Out Cleaning? is republished from

So you have finally found your next great living space, but you have so much to complete before you can actually say your final goodbye to your current rental. You need to gather moving supplies, like boxes, then you need to pack and move the boxes, and in most rental situations, you will be expected to leave the residence clean and effectively, move-in ready.  Every lease agreement, rental agency, and the landlord will have different expectations, so you will want to inquire with yours to confirm what these expectations are. After all of the hard work and sweat that can go into moving, why not enlist the help of a professional maid service? If you are not able to effectively clean your rental to the expected standard, are you willing to risk losing your security deposit or face fines and penalties?  The value that maid service can provide during the stressful time around moving is truly priceless. When considering qualified house cleaning services, you will want to establish the reputation of the service, and also the value you are receiving based on your needs.  Some rentals will require a “white glove inspection” to be passed prior to releasing your security deposit, as they may anticipate that the unit will be available immediately upon your departure.  Cleaning services will have a small cost compared to the time you will be saving and the security deposit that you could lose. Again, you can confirm with your rental agent as to the specific expectations of your agreement. Benefits of Hiring Housekeeping Services You will also need to consider the timing and logistics of your house cleaning, as typically, move-out cleaning services are provided once the unit has been vacated.  This means that you will need to be sure that all of your personal items have been packed and removed from the unit prior to your cleaning. Most lease agreements will require that you have the cleaning completed prior to the last day of your lease, so be sure to keep this in mind when you are deciding a move-in date for your new residence.  You will need to ensure that the cleaning company will have access to the unit, without disturbing the rental agent or potential new residents. Another great benefit of hiring a professional cleaner is that they will have all of the tools and supplies they will need to do a top to bottom cleaning of your old home.  You will not need to waste your hard earned money on buying special supplies or tools, that you may not ever use again! Most of us have general cleaning supplies available, but the professionals are certain to be prepared, no matter what kinds of messy buildup they may find.  This is especially great if you are moving out of state or even to another side of the country completely. Finally, think about all of the fun you have deep cleaning with all the effort and time you have to put into it.  Generally, professional cleaners are prepared to handle any task, and with their experience, they also have a certain “know-how” about ways to be effective and efficient.  Spend your time, money and energy on getting settled into the new place, rather than pulling out the refrigerator or wiping out the oven in the old place.

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