Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tips on Keeping an Organized and Clean Refrigerator

Tips on Keeping an Organized and Clean Refrigerator Read more on: www.maidcomplete.com

Apart from the dishwasher, the refrigerator is perhaps the most heavily used appliance in the kitchen. So it is only normal for it to accumulate spills, various splatters, spots where liquid has dripped and plenty of food debris. However, there are tips and pointers which you can follow to keep an organized and clean refrigerator all the time. With these simple steps keeping your fridge tidy and clean does not have to be a burden for you. In addition, a clean refrigerator is a major contributor to the general health of your household and your family. So it is best for you to regularly clean and tidy up that fridge whenever necessary.

how to maintain a clean refrigerator

Keep the Right Temperature to Keep a Clean Refrigerator

It is best recommended that you keep your refrigerator temperature at 37 to 40 degrees fahrenheit while your freezer should be around zero degree fahrenheit. The reason for this is because when your food is kept properly chilled and frozen, it will prevent them from growing bad bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. These microorganisms will not only cause your refrigerator to stink as the food begins to become stale but they are also very dangerous for your health. While you keep your food healthy and free from rotten smells, you also conserve energy and money as you maximize the use of your appliance.

Keep a Clean Refrigerator by Protecting Against Spills with the Use of Plastic Wrap

While spills and drips unavoidably happen, you can trim down your cleaning and scrubbing time by covering each compartment with plastic wrap. So when there are some liquid spills and splatters, all you will have to do is remove the plastic wrap from the shelf and replace it. This will then make tidying up much faster. You also have the option to only cover certain areas in your refrigerator where spills and drips are most prone to happen to conserve on usage of your plastic wrap. However, if some foods or liquids spill directly onto the surface of your fridge, instantly grab a dish cloth and wipe it off while it is still fresh. Do not wait for the stain to harden. Then it becomes much more difficult to wipe off.

Keep A Clean Refrigerator with Organization

You may start with grouping your food and beverage items accordingly depending on their kind. For instance, keep all the condiments in one basket or compartment. In this light, you may keep these similar items in a container or basket before putting them on the refrigerator shelves, in drawers and in compartments. However, you would not want to put all the items that spoil easily together in one area. One spoiled item can actually pass the bacteria over to the other items sitting next to it. These include meat, vegetables and milk. This will help to prevent them from contaminating each other.

how to maintain a clean fridge

Kick out Fridge Odor with a Mix of Baking Soda and Coffee

Place an open box of baking soda in your fridge to deodorize it especially after general cleaning. This will help keep the fridge smelling fresh. However, if the stench in your refrigerator cannot be handled with an open box of baking soda, you may add some coffee grounds to deodorize your fridge even further. Your fridge will then fill with the sweet and robust aroma of coffee grounds to deodorize it. Any sour smell will eventually grow faint until they are no longer noticeable at all. These are just some quick tips on the things you can do to keep an organized and clean refrigerator in your home or office.

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