Monday, April 9, 2018

What is a Green House Cleaning?

The following article What is a Green House Cleaning? was originally published to

Do It Yourself (DIY) IdeasHave you heard of the new trend known as green house cleaning? No, it isn’t just for people who love to grow plants in their own backyard. A green house cleaning is a method of scrubbing the inside of your house without the use of traditional cleaning products that could be harmful to your health. When a cleaning company goes green, it means that they are dedicated to ensuring that your home and health are the top priority. You might not be sure exactly what the green house cleaning service includes. Here is a short crash course on what you can expect from this service. No Carcinogens in the Cleaners One of the biggest hazards to home health is the sheer volume of carcinogens in our everyday products. Most of us don’t think twice about picking up a bottle of bleach to scrub away a sticky mess. Unfortunately, bleach and many other cleaners contain cancer-causing agents known as carcinogens. They can be bad for the lungs, skin, eyes, and more. If you aren’t sure whether your favorite products are safe, you might want to take a look at this handy guide to dangerous household chemicals. Green Cleaning Products Instead of the dangerous products, your cleaning crew should make use of much safer alternatives. A cleaning company might make their own cleaners using vinegar, essential oils, baking soda, and other all-natural ingredients. Alternatively, they might purchase them from companies that make eco-friendly solutions and sprays that still kill the bacteria found throughout your home. Many of these solutions are just as effective at killing bacteria as their carcinogenic counterparts. When you purchase these cleaners, you do have to be cautious about what ingredients are on the label. Some companies list very few ingredients, which should be a red flag that they aren’t quite as safe as they sound. Look for labels and certifications that indicate that your company’s cleaning products are eco-friendly. If you have questions about the products your cleaning company uses, feel free to ask! Fewer Waste Products Do you cringe every time your cleaning professional puts a paper towel in the trash can? A green house cleaning also means that they are committed to doing what is best for the environment. Most companies who advertise this service have made the switch to microfiber clothes that are color-coded. One color might be for the bathroom while another is used to clean glass. This prevents cross-contamination and eliminates waste from paper products all at the same time. The beauty of this is that it makes your home safer for you to live in and you can rest easy knowing that you are doing your part for the environment. At Maid Complete, we are proud to offer some of the best house cleaning services featuring non-toxic and eco-friendly products. We can give your house a thorough cleaning using only the green materials you feel comfortable with. Be sure to give us a call to book your Maid Complete service this week!

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