Monday, July 3, 2017

Best Ways To Clean A Sink

Best Ways To Clean A Sink is available on

Lets face it, very rarely does someone enjoy taking the time to clean every detail in their home. Whether it be scrubbing the floors to dusting, most people don’t have the time or energy to invest in cleaning. And if you do find a split second away from your hectic life, do you really want to spend it cleaning? Most people would rather go out and persue hobbies and friendships instead of scrubbing away at your sink. However, some chores need to be done. That is what premium maid services are for, to help you in those moments of business, and to have someone there to help take care of what needs to be done. However, while maids are always a great option, it is always good to know how to do some of these things by yourself. Your kitchen sink is probably one of the most used items in your house. From washing your hands, scraping off dishes, to just getting a glass of water, the sink is something that you will use day in and day out. In that same breath, it can also be the messiest. If you are one to wash your dishes in the sink the grime and leftover food can cake on and really make your sink a sight to behold. However, it doesn’t take much to clean, just a bit of elbow grease and some soap.

how to clean a sink

How To Clean A Sink

You don’t need much to clean a sink, but some extra items can help you bring back the shine of a sparkling sink. It’s important to have a sponge, and some soap, of course, but having a blend of baking soda and lemon juice to polish at the end is what is really going to bring out that silvery shine. First, you’re going to want to clear everything from the sink, and use your sponge to scrub off any caked on pieces of food or grime. This can take a while if you have an especially dirty sink, but it is really important to do so. Second off, you will need to take a gentle soap and scrub the inside, outside and faucets of the sink. Make sure not to miss a spot, because this will take care of a majority of the germs. Then you’ll want to rinse it off, and be sure to run hot tap water or pour boiling hot water down the drain to help unclog it and deal with some of the possible stench. Third, you’re going to want to mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda to ¼ cup of lemon juice and pour it all around the sink, and let it sit for around 10 minutes. Then you will want to rinse it away and take more of the mixture to pour down the sink, helping to kill bacteria and mold that might be growing down there.

maintain a good sink

Other Types Of Sinks

This method is a sure way to clean and care for a stainless steel sink, but if you have a porcaline sink, other methods may be neccessary. As always, a good maid service in Phoenix location, will happily clean the sinks for you, and will help your house and your sink be sparkling clean before you know it.

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