Saturday, April 9, 2016

Understanding Insurance for Professional Cleaners

The following blog post Understanding Insurance for Professional Cleaners was first published to

Professional cleaning is a vital support industry that helps businesses and home owners to in order to focus on their core functions. It is true that cleanliness is next to many things such as health, profitability, and hygiene. However, businesses have the responsibility to focus on their core activities and hence the need to outsource cleaning services. But in the process of performing their duties, cleaning companies can end up in situation where there are losses that need to be compensated. There are possibilities of clients’ property being destroyed accidentally, workers being injured while they are performing their official duties and all these possible and unfortunate occurrences need to be taken care of by someone. That is why the cleaning professional needs a partner called insurance. It is because of the above that this article seeks to bring into focus the reality, necessity, and importance of insurance in the cleaning industry. Stay with this article to get more insight into this matter. The common forms of cleaning insurance There are three forms of insurance that a cleaning company, its staff and clients can benefit from. They are listed below as follows:

  • Public liability insurance
It is not strange that a client has come up with claims that a person has sustained bodily injuries as a result of skidding on a slippery floor cleaned by a professional cleaner. In such a case, a company stands on a very tricky ground because a company can still be sued and suffer heavy losses in cases where the claims are leveled against a small company. However, if a cleaning company has a public liability insurance cover it will have no reason for alarm because the insurer will shoulder the financial responsibility. Another beautiful thing about this policy is that it will take care of the medical expenses of those who have been hurt as result of any negligence. In case the injuries become fatal, the insurance company will also take care of the funeral expenses. Additionally, if the case is taken to court, the insurer will pay for all the legal expenses incurred during the whole suit. However, the policy does not cover any injury that your workers may sustain while working on the field.
  • General property cover
Another area of concern that results in claims is damage to property caused accidentally by your worker while carrying out their cleaning duties. Accidents can damage the clients’ property and they raise a claim demanding for compensation. In such a case, the cleaner is assured of compensation from the insurer because the insurance company will pay for all that damage.
  • Personal and advertising injury claims
It is very common for many professional cleaners to advertise their services. In the process of doing so, there are injuries that can be caused to other persons such as copyright infringement, libel and brand infringement. In such cases, a company can be slapped with heavy fines should the matter be taken to court. But with a general insurance cover in place, the company can enjoy some peace of mind knowing that their insurance coverage will take care of the damages.
  • Worker compensation coverage
It is very common for workers to get injured while on their line of duty. Cleaning workers do get injured and some of those injuries can be fatal. When such unfortunate occurrences do happen, it can bring heavy financial burdens on an employing company in the form of compensations. However, with a worker compensation cover the company is relieved of this entire burden because the insurer will take care of all the expenses.
  • Fidelity insurance coverage
Thieves are thieves and they can steal from anyone and at any time as long as they get the opportunity to do so. Workers do steal from cleaning companies that have employed them and from their clients as well. When a cleaning company has a fidelity insurance cover to guard against employee theft, they do not need to worry about such unfortunate and unethical occurrences. This is because the insurance company will compensate the company and their clients without having to incur any cost or suffer losses. Maid Complete is well insured and has service locations in a number of major US cities including San Francisco, Dallas and Seattle.

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