Monday, March 21, 2016

Tips on how to Ensure Safe Cleaning Chemicals Handling

Tips on how to Ensure Safe Cleaning Chemicals Handling was originally seen on

The cleaning industry is a base industry that facilitates the operations of all other industries. Not only does it ensure and promote cleanliness in business premises and homes, but it also promotes hygiene and good health at the end of the process. However, the services that ensure your home and office is sparkling clean are a product of many tools that include chemicals. Even though many companies endeavor to use chemicals that are as safe as possible, there are still potential risks that can still arise not from the use but the abuse and mishandling of cleaning chemicals. This article therefore seeks to tackle the area of cleaning safety that revolves around chemicals. In it you will discover the safest ways of handling and using chemicals. You will learn the best way to store chemicals in a safe manner so that all possible accidents can be prevented. It is because of these accidents that have kept occurring every year that we have recommendations on workable safety programs that cleaning companies can implement. Read on below to discover what you can do in order to ensure that your staff and clients do not fall victims to accidents involving chemical mishandling. Clear documentation The first step is to maintain clear documentation of all the chemicals that are in use inside the premise. The documentation should be able to capture all the basic details about the chemicals. The details should include the quantities of chemicals available and stored in the premise, the exact location of these chemicals, the potential dangers that are inherent in these chemicals. It should also detail if there are any safety or special precautions about the chemicals such as whether the chemicals needs to be stored away from direct sunlight or otherwise. Keeping the chemicals One of the basic precautions in storing chemicals is never to mix chemicals. This is irrespective of how much similar the chemicals are or may seem to be. Additionally, do not move the chemicals from one container to another. Let the chemicals remain in their original containers. Ventilation Another aspect of the safety process is to make sure that the chemicals are stored in well ventilated areas away from HVAC intake vents. This safety measure will ensure that the fumes do not spread from one area to another. Safety signage Another area that should be keenly attended to is the safety signage on chemicals. It is very important that the safety precaution signage should be place a written in multiple languages so that everyone can easily understand them. In addition, it is even advisable to use clearly communicating images so that the inherent and potential dangers can be detected even without having to read through the precaution. Easy interpretation of signal words All the signals on the chemicals are of little or even no use if they cannot be understood and interpreted easily. It is very important that workers understand them properly. The following three words need to be understood properly by all the cleaning workers who use these chemicals. These words are explained below: Danger: This signal means that the chemical in question is very toxic and it can cause permanent injury and damage to eyes and skin. Warning: A warning signal means that the chemical is toxic but to a moderate level that is not as damaging as the one indicated in the danger signal. Caution: A caution signal is meant to alert the person using the chemical that although to a greater extent he chemical is safe, there is need for extra care in the way that it is being handled and used. Following instructions This is another too obvious safety measure that is often ignored by many workers. It is very important that in the process of handling, storing, mixing and using the chemicals, all the instructions are followed. Do not mix the chemicals using your own ratio but rather follow the ratio that is indicated on the instruction manual. Most accidents can be traced to as breach in instructions. If this part was adhered to, many of the chemical accidents that we have heard of would have been avoided.

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